It’s Not My Fruit
Join the Online Bible Study: Outrageously Fruitful
Are you a project person? Projects can be intimidating; especially ones that take five years. If I had known at the onset of writing, Outrageously Fruitful, a fruit of the Spirit Bible study, it wouldn’t be complete for 1825 days, I highly doubt I would have begun.
I prefer the bite-size writing projects that can be turned around quickly – the 500 word articles, blog posts, and short children’s books. That’s my comfort zone. But crafting entries for a 10-week Bible study drew me beyond what was comfortable to what was necessary. Isn’t that just like our God?
A Fruitful Life
The more time I spent reading God’s Word and studying each characteristic of this spiritual fruit, the more I realized I couldn’t produce it. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance – an impressive list. Qualities that can only be reflected in my life as I yield to the Heavenly Father’s will.
Each lesson was intensely personal as I realized my need for the Holy Spirit’s help to live a fruitful life.
Living the Christian life requires complete dependence on God.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, put it this way:
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.Proverbs 3:5-6; KJV
The Big Picture
Solomon wrote about his need to consult God for direction in every situation. I need to take a lesson from Solomon. The life I’ve been given is about something far bigger than me – it’s about making much of Christ and pointing others to Him. In short, it’s all about Him, it’s not about me.
It was tough coming face to face with the pride in my life. I saw it in my desire for control. Even after completing the study, another scenario reminded me that the Christian life is a journey.
A Misunderstanding
I had set my phone on silent. I missed my husband’s calls and the multiple texts he sent. As I cruised south on the highway I noticed a car that looked like ours parked on the side of the road. The longer I stared, the more familiar it looked. Yes, it was ours.
Slowing down, I put my blinker on and navigated to the shoulder. I pulled out my phone and noticed the missed messages. My husband’s car had run out of gas.
Maybe I’d misunderstood, but I thought he said he was going to fuel up before our lunch meeting. He wasn’t happy when I picked him up. He wondered why I hadn’t turned my phone on following the church service.
Harsh Words
I got defensive and my words lashed out.
The ironic part? We were on our way to meet our pastor and his wife to discuss my book, Outrageously Fruitful –the fruit of the Spirit Bible study. Something I clearly wasn’t demonstrating.
A Reminder
I can laugh at the scenario now, and it’s a fantastic reminder that I need to yield to God’s will instead of demanding my rights, in order to live a fruitful life – one that honors Him.
I need to yield to God’s will instead of demanding my rights
The apostle John put it perfectly:
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.John 15:5
The Lord used a five-year project to help me remember an important truth; I need to stay connected to Christ, knowing His Spirit will produce a harvest of eternal fruit.
Are you yielded to the Lord so the Holy Spirit can produce His fruit in your life? What step will you take today to stay connected to Christ?
Can I pray for you?
Heavenly Father, thank You for who You are. Life is about You. Help me yield to You so Your Spirit can produce the right fruit in my life. Let it draw others to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Leave a comment on my wall if this post helped youIf you’re like me, you want your life to count. Are you ready to take an honest look at your current behavior and re-focus on the Lord, so you can be outrageously fruitful for Him?
You’re invited
If your answer to the question above was ‘Yes!’, I’d love for you to join me each week as I teach through my Bible study, Outrageously Fruitful, on Facebook Live beginning Wednesday, September 7th at 12:00 noon (EST).
Bible Study Details
* pick up a copy of Outrageously Fruitful here
* “Like” my Facebook writer’s page so you’ll have access to the teaching sessions
* it’s an 11-week series (every Wednesday from September 7th-November 16th)
* Facebook Live teaching sessions will be approximately 30 minutes (12:00-12:30 EST), followed by a few minutes for Q & A (sessions will remain on my page if you need to view at a different time)
* free, downloadable worksheets will accompany each information-packed teaching session
FREE resources with the study:
*FREE chapter of the book to get started
*FREE printable “Choose Truth” – adapted from Outrageously Fruitful
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