What’s Your Plan?
A couple months before school let out, I prayed about possibly teaching a summer Bible study for the junior high girls at our church. I even mentioned it to a few of the young ladies to get a feel for whether they’d be interested or not. But you know how things go. With lots of other things on my plate already, I shoved the idea to the back burner – until I got the email.
Our missions director’s wife wanted to know if I’d consider teaching a Bible study over the summer for the girls. Was it a coincidence? I didn’t think so. God’s confirmation to follow through and do this study was unmistakable.
Window of opportunity
The seven-week study gave me a window of opportunity to see into the hearts of these girls. We talked about beauty as God sees it – those character qualities we need to develop on the inside that make us truly beautiful. Through group discussion and prayer time, I was able to get to know these girls far better than just interacting with them at church.
Fortunately, the Lord made it really obvious that I should teach this study. He planted the idea and then confirmed it with a gentle nudge. Sometimes it’s not always so clear.
A good plan?
I think of King David and his desire to build a temple for God. Remember the story? David was now the king of Israel and the nation had a season of rest from its enemies. David wanted to do something for the Lord. As he looked around his house, he noticed how nice it was compared to where the ark of God was kept. He was motivated to do something about it.
Look at the prophet Nathan’s response to David’s idea:
And Nathan said to the king, Go, do all that is in thine heart; for the Lord is with thee.2 Samuel 7:3
King David’s idea sounded like a good one. But one thing was missing: prayer. David truly wanted to do something that would please the Lord, but neither he, nor Nathan asked God about it.
King David’s idea sounded good. But one thing was missing: prayer.
God’s plan
The Lord revealed a different plan to Nathan that night. Because David had been a man of war, he wouldn’t get to build the temple. But he would be able to provide resources for it and his son, Solomon, would be the one to construct the house of worship
1 Chronicles 22:7-10
Nathan went on to share the rest of God’s message:
And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.2 Samuel 7:16
Did you catch that? Instead of David building something for God, God tells David He will build his household. The Messiah would come from David’s line. Jesus Christ’s throne would last forever. What a good God!
Moving forward with God
David was overwhelmed by God’s favor and accepted His will. His prayer ended with praise:
Wherefore thou art great, O Lord God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.2 Samuel 7:22
Discerning God’s will isn’t always easy. But when we stay connected to Christ, He’ll lead us in the right direction.
Discerning God’s will isn’t always easy.
Your turn
Are you staying connected to Christ? What step will you take to follow His direction today?
Can I pray for you?
Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me to seek Your will before making plans to do something. Thank You for Your Word and prayer that helps me know what You want me to do. Help me follow through when I’m clear on Your plan. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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